PV + MPPT +均匀辐射

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免费下载用于仿真PV + MPPT +均匀辐射的matlab代码

function Ipv=PVcharacteristics_func(Va,G,Tcell)


%This function uses the output voltage, irradiance and ambient temperature

k = 1.38e-23; % Boltzmann’s const

q = 1.60e-19; % Electron charge

% Photovoltaic constants at STC

A = 2; % "diode quality" factor (from PV-DesignPro-S)

Egap = 1.12; % band gap voltage for silicon devices

Num_Series = 72; % series connected cells

Voc = 43.2; % open circuit voltage at STC

Isc = 8.71; % short circuit current at STC

TempCoefI = 0.05; %current temperature cvoefficient

TempCoefV = -0.34; %voltage temperature coefficient

deltaVdeltaI_Voc = -0.45; % values at Voc from manufacturers curves

% Initial temperature T1 variables at STC

T1 = 273 + 25; % convert ambient temperature to Kelvin

Voc_T1 = Voc ./Num_Series; % open cct voltage per cell at T1

Isc_T1 = Isc; % short cct current per cell at T1

T2 = 273 + 75; % convert temperature to Kelvin 

Voc_T2 = Voc + (50.*TempCoefV)./Num_Series; % Voc per cell at T2

Isc_T2 = Isc + (50.*TempCoefI); % Isc per cell at T2

TaK = 273 + Tcell; % module temperature in Kelvin at any temperature

Vc = Va./Num_Series; % determine the cell voltage

Iph_T1 = Isc_T1 * (G./1000);%current produced by the cell at temp 1

a = (Isc_T2 - Isc_T1)/Isc_T1 * 1/(T2 - T1);%a=constant

Iph = Iph_T1 * (1 + a*(TaK - T1));%current produced by cell

Vt_T1 = k * T1 / q; %Define thermal properties(Vt) at Temp1

Ir_T1 = Isc_T1 / (exp (Voc_T1/ (A*Vt_T1))-1);%diode reverse saturation curent

b = Egap * q /(A * k);

Ir = Ir_T1 * (TaK/T1)^(3/A) .* exp(-b *(1/TaK - 1/T1));%reverse saturation current at T1

Xv = Ir_T1/(A*Vt_T1) * exp(Voc_T1/(A*Vt_T1));%cell series impedance

deltaVdeltaI_Voc_per_cell = (deltaVdeltaI_Voc)/Num_Series;

Rs = - deltaVdeltaI_Voc_per_cell - 1/Xv;

%define thermal properties at temperature TaK

Vt_TaK = A * k * TaK / q;

Ipv = zeros(size(Vc));

for j=1:5; %calculates Ia using Newton's method

Ipv = Ipv - (Iph - Ipv - Ir.*( exp((Vc+Ipv.*Rs)./Vt_TaK) -1))...

./ (-1 - (Ir.*( exp((Vc+Ipv.*Rs)./Vt_TaK) -1)).*Rs./Vt_TaK);




名称 大小 修改日期
figureplot.m0.30 KB2016-08-23
MPPT_PSO.asv0.37 KB2016-08-07
MPPT_PSO.m0.37 KB2016-08-07
PVcharacteristics_func.m0.95 KB2017-11-10
PVcurve.asv0.46 KB2016-10-08
PVcurve.m0.47 KB2016-10-08
PV_Model1.m1.05 KB2016-05-08
pv_mppt_test4validated.mdl12.53 KB2017-03-25
VIcurve.m0.47 KB2017-01-06
MPPT_Uniform_powermatlab0.00 KB2017-11-10



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