// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.2'
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
allprojects {
repositories {
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
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转载请注明出处: apollocode » 安卓指纹识别
名称 | 大小 | 修改日期 |
compiler.xml | 0.29 KB | 2019-08-09 |
profiles_settings.xml | 0.07 KB | 2019-08-09 |
gradle.xml | 0.28 KB | 2019-08-09 |
misc.xml | 0.45 KB | 2019-08-09 |
modules.xml | 0.22 KB | 2019-08-09 |
runConfigurations.xml | 0.24 KB | 2019-08-09 |
vcs.xml | 0.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
build.gradle | 0.37 KB | 2019-08-09 |
proguard-rules.pro | 0.41 KB | 2019-08-09 |
AndroidManifest.xml | 0.39 KB | 2019-08-09 |
CryptoObjectCreator.java | 1.69 KB | 2019-08-09 |
FingerprintCore.java | 2.49 KB | 2019-08-09 |
FingerprintMainActivity.java | 1.55 KB | 2019-08-09 |
FingerprintUtil.java | 0.29 KB | 2019-08-09 |
KeyguardLockScreenManager.java | 0.71 KB | 2019-08-09 |
FPLog.java | 0.21 KB | 2019-08-09 |
fingerprint_guide.png | 6.02 KB | 2019-08-09 |
fingerprint_normal.png | 8.70 KB | 2019-08-09 |
henu.jpg | 14.71 KB | 2019-08-09 |
activity_fingerprint_main.xml | 0.61 KB | 2019-08-09 |
ic_launcher.jpg | 79.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
ic_launcher.jpg | 79.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
ic_launcher.jpg | 79.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
ic_launcher.jpg | 79.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
ic_launcher.jpg | 79.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
colors.xml | 0.14 KB | 2019-08-09 |
dimens.xml | 0.14 KB | 2019-08-09 |
strings.xml | 0.47 KB | 2019-08-09 |
styles.xml | 0.15 KB | 2019-08-09 |
dimens.xml | 0.26 KB | 2019-08-09 |
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