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<title>CarForYou - Responsive Car Dealer HTML5 Template</title>
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<?php include('includes/colorswitcher.php');?>
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<section class="page-header profile_page">
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<div class="page-header_wrap">
<div class="page-heading">
<h1>My Booking</h1>
<ul class="coustom-breadcrumb">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li>My Booking</li>
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$sql = "SELECT * from tblusers where EmailId=:useremail";
$query = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
$query -> bindParam(':useremail',$useremail, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if($query->rowCount() > 0)
foreach($results as $result)
{ ?>
<section class="user_profile inner_pages">
<div class="container">
<div class="user_profile_info gray-bg padding_4x4_40">
<div class="upload_user_logo"> <img src="assets/images/dealer-logo.jpg" alt="image">
<div class="dealer_info">
<h5><?php echo htmlentities($result->FullName);?></h5>
<p><?php echo htmlentities($result->Address);?><br>
<?php echo htmlentities($result->City);?> <?php echo htmlentities($result->Country); }}?></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3">
<?php include('includes/sidebar.php');?>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-8">
<div class="profile_wrap">
<h5 class="uppercase underline">My Booikngs </h5>
<div class="my_vehicles_list">
<ul class="vehicle_listing">
$sql = "SELECT tblvehicles.Vimage1 as Vimage1,tblvehicles.VehiclesTitle, as vid,tblbrands.BrandName,tblbooking.FromDate,tblbooking.ToDate,tblbooking.message,tblbooking.Status from tblbooking join tblvehicles on join tblbrands on where tblbooking.userEmail=:useremail";
$query = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
$query-> bindParam(':useremail', $useremail, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if($query->rowCount() > 0)
foreach($results as $result)
{ ?>
<div class="vehicle_img"> <a href="vehical-details.php?vhid=<?php echo htmlentities($result->vid);?>""><img src="admin/img/vehicleimages/<?php echo htmlentities($result->Vimage1);?>" alt="image"></a> </div>
<div class="vehicle_title">
<h6><a href="vehical-details.php?vhid=<?php echo htmlentities($result->vid);?>""> <?php echo htmlentities($result->BrandName);?> , <?php echo htmlentities($result->VehiclesTitle);?></a></h6>
<p><b>From Date:</b> <?php echo htmlentities($result->FromDate);?><br /> <b>To Date:</b> <?php echo htmlentities($result->ToDate);?></p>
<?php if($result->Status==1)
{ ?>
<div class="vehicle_status"> <a href="#" class="btn outline btn-xs active-btn">Confirmed</a>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php } else if($result->Status==2) { ?>
<div class="vehicle_status"> <a href="#" class="btn outline btn-xs">Cancelled</a>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="vehicle_status"> <a href="#" class="btn outline btn-xs">Not Confirm yet</a>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php } ?>
<div style="float: left"><p><b>Message:</b> <?php echo htmlentities($result->message);?> </p></div>
<?php }} ?>
<?php include('includes/footer.php');?>
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<?php } ?>
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转载请注明出处: apollocode » PHP和Mysql中的租车项目
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carrentalproject | 0.00 KB | 2018-09-50 |
carrental | 0.00 KB | 2018-09-54 |
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changeimage3.php | 4.89 KB | 2017-06-42 |
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changeimage5.php | 4.89 KB | 2017-06-18 |
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vars.less | 1.03 KB | 2016-03-20 |
style.css | 12.74 KB | 2016-03-20 |
style.less | 4.68 KB | 2016-03-20 |
dashboard.php | 8.45 KB | 2017-06-52 |
edit-brand.php | 4.55 KB | 2017-06-36 |
edit-vehicle.php | 16.57 KB | 2018-09-32 |
fonts | 0.00 KB | 2018-09-52 |
fontawesome-webfont.eot | 67.26 KB | 2016-03-20 |
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