在此Verilog项目中,提供了用于16位RISC处理器的Verilog代码。RISC处理器是基于其指令集和哈佛式数据路径结构而设计的。 然后,RISC处理器在Verilog中实现,并使用Xilinx ISIM进行验证。
附件中包括:RISC处理器的指令集、RISC处理器的指令格式、处理器控制单元设计、ALU控制单元设计、RISC处理器的Verilog代码:1.指令存储器的Verilog代码,2.注册文件的Verilog代码,3.数据存储器的Verilog代码,4. ALU单元的Verilog代码,5. RISC处理器的ALU控制单元的Verilog代码,6. RISC处理器的数据路径的Verilog代码,7. RISC处理器控制单元的Verilog代码,8. 16位RISC处理器的Verilog代码,9. 16位RISC处理器的Verilog Testbench代码,参数文件、指令存储器文件示例、示例数据存储文件。
A. Memory Access Instructions
1. Load Word:
LD ws, offset(rs1) ws:=Mem16[rs1 + offset]
2. Store Word:
ST rs2, offset(rs1) Mem16[rs1 + offset]=rs2
B. Data Processing Instructions
1. Add:
ADD ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=rs1 + rs2
2. Subtract:
SUB ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=rs1 – rs2
3. Invert (1‘s complement):
INV ws, rs1 ws:=!rs1
4. Logical Shift Left:
LSL ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=rs1 << rs2
5. Logical Shift Right:
LSR ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=rs1 >> rs2
6. Bitwise AND:
AND ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=rs1 • rs2
7. Bitwise OR:
OR ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=rs1 | rs2
8. Set on Less Than:
SLT ws, rs1, rs2 ws:=1 if rs1 < rs2; ws:=0 if rs1 ≥ rs2
C. Control Flow Instructions
1. Branch on Equal:
BEQ rs1, rs2, offset
Branch to (PC + 2 + (offset << 1)) when rs1 = rs2
2. Branch on Not Equal:
BNE rs1, rs2, offset
Branch to (PC + 2 + (offset << 1)) when rs1 != rs2
3. Jump: JMP offset Jump to {PC [15:13], (offset << 1)}
`include "Parameter.v"
// fpga4student.com
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects
// Verilog code for RISC Processor
// Verilog code for Instruction Memory
module Instruction_Memory(
input[15:0] pc,
output[15:0] instruction
reg [`col - 1:0] memory [`row_i - 1:0];
wire [3 : 0] rom_addr = pc[4 : 1];
$readmemb("./test/test.prog", memory,0,14);
assign instruction = memory[rom_addr];
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